Monday, July 12, 2010

Playing With Lions

This is super random but since I’ve been so long absent, I decided to make random little update like this.

I’ve been basically binge gaming and occasionally working right recently. Ever since I got my new PS3 I’ve lost all my saves so I’ve played through a  lot of my games again such as GOW:III which I’m almost through again, Uncharted 2 which I’m almost done with and Modern Warfare 2 which I’ve been playing mostly multiplayer in even though all I need to get platinum on that game is the spec ops—which are really hard to do with one person.

Anyway, here’s an awesome video of an Animal Behaviorist who plays with lions.


So now that I’ve got that out; I haven’t played a new game since Red Dead Redemption with the exception of when I rented Battlefield 2 by the way which was a pain in the ass. The game itself was pretty fun. The single player campaign was really nothing special and got pretty stale pretty quick. But it wasn’t bad by any means. The online is definitely the game’s strong point and although it was really fun I just couldn’t get into it too much; I could see that there’s a lot of progression available and the combat online is pretty damn fun but I just couldn’t get especially into it. The worst part—the pain in the ass part—was that I never even got enough time to really play it since Blockbuster has completely changed their rental polices to some nonsensical rip-off. I’ve always preferred Gamefly but being unemployed and constantly broke, I haven’t had the money to keep my account recently. But Blockbuster was ok for when I was waiting for a game to come in or I had one and wanted to try another right away. Games were eight dollars to rent for about 20 days or so. The receipts would have an “own it” date on them (which was about 20 days, give or take a couple) and you could keep them until noon by that date. Keep in mind there was always a “due date” on there as well which meant absolutely nothing. You could bring it back any day before the own it date and be golden. Apparently they not only changed the price of game rentals to nine dollars but changed it so that absolutely everything is a five night rental (technically four since it needs to be back before noon the due date). It’s HORRIBLE. I don’t know how that place is still in business but it’s not going to last long at this point. I’ve racked up a few bucks in late fees recently but I’m not paying them anytime soon. Maybe as soon as I get a job and some steady income I’ll go in, pay my rental fees and then explain to them how shitty it was of them to offer the same products, the same weak-sauce, outdated selection of games but sever the services rendered in half and degrade the experience of renting games at Blockbuster to a point at which it’s just not even worth it. You horrible, horrible corporation. *Sigh* I miss Gamefly.


Anyway I’ve been in a bit of a slum lately but I plan on getting out of it this week so hopefully we’ll have some updates soon. I don’t know how game-related they’ll be considering there’s no way for me to play any new games at the moment. Luckily there isn’t a whole lot coming out soon that I’m interested in. Not until Mafia II in August maybe and I’m still fluctuating on my opinion of that game; I’m pretty sure it’s going to come out alright though, we’ll see.

Until next time (which should be soon),



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