Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dare I say..consistency?

So I’m going to try something out here. I’m going to make Thursday my official update day…probably…for now at least. And on these weekly updates I’ll have either a game review, some type of ranty/rambly/thing or (what I’m planning on for tomorrow) a collage of funny/amusing/interesting items I’ve found amongst the filth in the internet world that week. Think of it as all of the funny videos you get forwarded to you or run into on stumble upon or however else but all in one place so you don’t have to sift through the crap. They will generally be the week of the previous Friday to the Thursday that they’re posted but tomorrow’s will mostly be just the past couple days since I just decided to do this a few minutes ago. Feedback is appreciated as always. Who knows, I may turn this into something totally readable and interesting someday…which reminds me; i really need a proper title. Suggestions for that are very welcome as well.



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