This is a child of fine taste, and without adhering to his high-class specifications a trip to the zoo isn’t the same exciting venture it may be to those children with “less refined” taste.
I’ve been seeing some ridiculous innovations in the fields of women’s clothing and accessories recently (search above for wine rack) but this absolutely takes the cake? Any women have feedback on this? Is this enough of a problem for you that would buy this? Do any women actually read this blog?…oh, I should have known.
Raver Dog
Seriously, all he needs is some glow sticks.
This is great: A group of gamers fight off two masked men during a robbery. It definitely would have been even cooler if one of them whipped out the blades of chaos or something but i guess that’s asking too much.
This is some of most poorly thought-out advertising ever.

Here’s a pie graph with some groundbreaking new research behind it.
Just when I thought I would never see a more ridiculous invention than the wine rack…enter: The Daddle
For all those times when a father spending some innocent, quality time pretending to be a horse with his child wants to make shit really awkward and weird.
Siiiick, I’ve always wanted to mess around on one of these but I don’t have one, a spot on a lake, or enough fat friends.
Epic reporter faaaaaaail
Most badass caterpillar ever.
That’s all for this week. My next post should be on the next game coming out that I am most looking forward to, Mafia II. There’s also a demo being released on it next week so I’ll be giving my thoughts on that as well by probably Thursday or so.
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